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CreditXpert is the home of a proprietary credit simulation tool that helps loan officers and mortgage agents see the credit potential of their applicants.

The officer/agent can then provide their applicants with a customized game plan to get them to the closing table faster and with more confidence.

Driving engagement

One of the client's focus is driving engagement with their product through specialized landing pages. These have included special pages for:

My team had a hand in developing these pages, including their Enterprise Platform page, which represents one of my favorite experiences while developing.

Development experience

Gif of the CreditXpert Enterprise Platform tour component
Enterprise Platform product tour

For the Enterprise Platform page, I had to build a "tour" component that triggers a new video for each highlighted feature of the product.

Animation in general is a bit of a challenge for me; however, developing this scroll-based animation was particularly tricky since some of the features use a different animation timeline.

I found the process of developing the animation very enjoyable and I really like how the animation turned out. I'm especially proud of the fact that the animation timeline is responsive and holds up very well on mobile screens.